Arrived in London ready for Chelsea

That’s it the wait is finally over I’m in London.

Well what a day, it started of nice and easy, got to the studio and did a little last minute boxing up, had lunch and waited for the courier to arrive to collect my work.

After an easy layed back morning what followed was a frantic couple of hours trying to squeeze everything for the show into the back of a transit van, muttering to my self and any one else in ear shot ‘it’s not going to fit, should have got a bigger van’. Well it did eventually fit, but I had to dash off to catch the train and leave the courier with  the carpenter from next door, desperately trying to fit in one last tray of flowers.  

The train journey was smooth and I enjoyed chatting with my Dad, who has accompanied me to London and is kindly helping me out with set up. Met up with family this evening for dinner and chats, comparing broken bones with my Aunt who is recovering from an operation on her ankle. Seems everyone is bandaged and bruised just lately, the resident Jeweller at Shed 2 who is helping me out on press day is also on crutches after severing ligaments. What a pair we will be on press day with her crutches and my finger ha ha!

So that was todays ups and downs, just arrived at the hotel having a cuppa tea writting my blog and it’s midnight, got a long day ahead of me tomorrow, feeling tired and unsure what the day will bring.

Dad saying 'cereal! what no fry up for breakfast?’  so good night all and thanks for the many good luck texts today everyone.